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applied Courses

These courses have grown my technical abilities, and allowed for me to learn about different techniques I would have never gotten to experience.


Spring 2024

Unfortunately the videos from this informance was corrupted and I do not have any videos. 

Ballet 5: My first time in this course, I was still working on more basic aspects of the technique. Also struggling with coordination specifically in petite allegro

Modern 3: With Sarah and Sandra. In post-modern it was great to breakdown movements to connect to feedback we had received in class. In Graham, it was informative to learn about different ways to teach Graham.

Jazz 3: It was great to come back to Jazz after a semester away, I was really interested in seeing how taking a break would effect my approach

Pointe 1: finally felt comfortable with the shoes. and able to not be afraid of the shoes, but work with the shoes.



Fall 2023

Modern 3: My first time taking this course Toranika's class was interesting, we spent a lot of time on learning the vocabulary. But we never really worked on the fluidity of movements, or how to do movements sustainably and correctly. Graham was quite fun though I was so intimidated by the other dancers, everyone knew so much already.

Ballet 4: Last semester in Ballet 4 and I was just trying to improve my ballet skills.

Pointe 1: First time in pointe shoes for the whole class. I was beginning to fight the fear of the pain of pointe.

Ballet 4

Fall 2022​

After growing up hating ballet because I was kicked out of studios. I never thought that I would enjoy  taking ballet, let alone having class everyday. I have enjoyed the challenge of learning something that is just not natural in my body. 

Modern 2

Spring 2023

In Modern 2 I have been thinking more about how I can use what I am learning in Humphrey and how I can apply it to other techniques. I have focusing on learning to keep myself grounded and where I keep my weight when I dance.



Jazz 2

Spring 2023

Jazz was where I had the most training prior to college. I have always been able to drop into a Jazz class and just dance. Before I had pin-holed myself as a musical theatre jazz dancer, I never realized that there are different kinds of jazz dance.


Modern 1

Fall 2022

I had never taken a modern class before. Learning a new technique was crazy, it felt like it was the opposite of what I was learning in ballet. Humphrey technique jut feels more natural than ballet.

Pointe 1

Spring 2023

First time taking pointe. halfway through the semester Sarita said, I should try at lest barre in pointe shoes. I learned a lot about myself but was so glad that I could take off the boots when we got to center.

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